What Type of Ice Pack You Use for an Injury?

The best ice packs for injuries

Homemade ice cups: "A lot of injuries don't need a major ice bag for an extended period of time. Instead, take some small paper or foam cups, fill them with water and put them in your freezer," "When your child comes home from school with an ankle sprain or something similar, take the ice cup, peel off the outer layer, and use the ice to massage the area."

Gel ice packs: Custom gel ice packs because they are pliable like crushed ice.These products conform to whatever body part you're putting them on.

Cold therapy systems: "Cold therapy systems are devices that you put ice and water into, and they give you a constant flow of cold with some pressure on the injury," . While these systems are effective, they can be pricey. Professional and college teams use them more than the average family.

The bottom line: Most ice is created equal, so recommends icing an injury in a way that fits your preferences and doesn't hurt your wallet.

How long to ice an injury and other icing tips

Restrict/rest: Not taking time to rest can delay your recovery. Avoid weight-bearing activities for 24 to 48 hours.

Ice: Ice narrows the blood vessels and slows blood flow to the area so you can start healing.

Compression: Prevent swelling with a tight, but not too tight, elastic bandage or something similar.

Elevation: Raise the sore body part above the level of your heart to reduce pain and swelling.

You should try to ice the injury for 10 to 15 minutes every hour for the first 24 to 48 hours. But if life doesn't allow for round-the-clock self-care, just do your best to ice it as often as you can. "You want to protect the injured area from any additional swelling, which can happen if you introduce heat too soon."

And if sitting with an ice pack just isn't your thing, try ice massage. Ice massage is easiest to do with an ice cup. Simply massage the injury in a circular, counterclockwise motion with an ice cup.

Concerns about frostbite stems from the use of chemical cold packs. Chemical cold packs, have been known to cause some frostbite as they hold their temperature longer. One word of caution: An athlete should NEVER fall asleep with a chemical wholesale gel ice packs on the injured area.

"While you've got to be smart, keep in mind we use the immersion technique at major events, such as marathons," "That's where you have anywhere between 50- and 100-gallon tubs filled with cold water. When there's an injury or suspected heat stroke, we immerse the person in the tub as quickly as possible."

If you want to know more news about gel ice pack, contact ARTBORNE gel ice pack manufacturers.


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