Something About Teething Babies

Teething is not a fun time for our little babies, but it's normal development that each one goes through. Not every baby is affected the same by the side effects from teething, so we decided to write an article to help teach parents 10 facts about teething babies. We hope these 10 helpful facts will help you soothe your baby's aching teeth and gums.

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Fact 1) The majority of babies start their teething process between 4 and 7 months. Some babies can start a bit sooner, and some a bit later, so don't get worried if your baby doesn't start in this time range!

Symptoms of Teething

Fact 2) If your baby starts chewing on things, that's a sure sign their gums are bothering them! We recommend giving them something fun and safe to chew on, such as one of our silicone teething pendants or freezer teethers! You can put these in the freezer to help cool them down which helps soothe your baby's gums while also giving them something safe to chew on.

Fact 3) Teething can cause your baby's sleeping and eating patterns to change. If your baby all of a sudden starts having issues breastfeeding, taking a bottle, or having troubles sleeping, it's time to check for teeth!

Fact 4) The first main symptom of teething is swollen gums and this can make your baby start becoming fussy. If you suspect your baby has started teething, should start feeling their gums to see if that's what's causing them pain.

Fact 5) While every baby is different, the first teeth to show up are usually the bottom two front teeth.

Fact 6) A full set of teeth for babies is 20 teeth. When they get their adult teeth, a full set is 32!

Fact 7) Baby teeth are hard, but still very vulnerable. Cold water can help soothe your baby's gums and also help wash bad bacteria. It's not always easy getting the hard to reach spots brushing your baby's teeth.

Fact 8) Baby teeth typically stay until age 5 or age 6. While they might not be permanent, it's great to teach your baby healthy habits to take care of their teeth.

Fact 9) You can give your baby teething crackers as a snack to help them learn how to chew on food safely and to help soothe their teeth and gums

Fact 10) Your teething baby will put just about anything in their mouth! If you want to help your baby learn new senses in a safe way, check out one of our Smily mia teethers! Made of 100% food grade BPA free silicone, our teethers are 100% safe for your teething baby to chew on all day! Our daughter is the inspiration for this company as we wanted to create safe custom silicone teether products for him during his teething journey. Shop Smily mia teethers to help soothe your teething baby today!


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