How to Choose the Best Hand Warmer

Though all reusable heart hand warmers have the same intended purpose, there are multiple different types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. 

Reusable hand warmers

Short-term heat sources use a chemical reaction to produce a rechargeable heat source by boiling in water. They are reusable, easy to use, and only take about 10 minutes to recharge.They have limited application and very short heat time. Generally, larger warmers that recharge via boiling water will retain heat longer than their smaller counterparts. For pocket-size warmers of this type, expect between 30 minutes and an hour of heat.

Disposable hand warmers

These are the cheapest, easiest to use, and usually the most reliable. They take a while to heat up but have a pretty consistent temperature for their run time. They can only be used once, so if you need sodium acetate hand warmer often, either purchase them by the pack or consider another type of warmer.

Electric hand warmers

These best hand warmers require charging and are usually powered by a lithium-ion battery. Downsides include inconsistent heat output, longer charging periods, susceptibility to moisture/impact damage, and loss of battery life in the cold. Many electric warmers also double as a handy battery pack you can use to charge your phone on the go.

Catalytic hand warmers

Hand warmers in this category run on liquid fuel and require a flame to start flameless combustion. Because these warmers generate heat via combustion, they never need to be charged and work well even in very cold temps. Though catalytic warmers provide a consistent heat source for longer periods of time, they can be messy and somewhat complicated to fill.

Heat Output hand warmers

When shopping for effective hand warmers, heat output is most people's top priority. If a pocket hand warmer isn't warm enough, it's rendered useless. However, it's important to understand the relationship between heat output and other factors including run time, reliability, and price.

While battery-powered warmers are great, they tend to be less effective in cold conditions. It's important to note maximum temperatures are generally only achievable for most reusable hand warmers in relatively moderate conditions.

Other types of hand warmers, including catalytic and most disposable warmers, are usually able to perform at their maximum temperature no matter the surrounding air temperature. While these types of warmers may not boast the same maximum temperatures as battery-powered warmers, they're less condition-dependent and perhaps more reliable.

Are Hand Warmers Safe to Use?

Most hand warmers are safe if used properly. Some people, usually children, have very sensitive skin and should not let gel hand warmers come into direct contact with their skin.

Some hot pad hand warmer varieties, like catalytic burner warmers, prove to be more dangerous than others. To safely use these, you must ensure the correct fuel is used and there's no excess fluid on the outside before you light it.

If not sealed properly, there is also a risk of carbon monoxide leaking, which poses a danger if used in a confined space. An insulated sleeve can also be a useful safety measure when using catalytic warmers.


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