Which Hand Warmer Is Best for Me?

Autumn brings a chill to our hands. Investing in the best hand warmers for the upcoming winter season will help you make the most of a day outdoors.

If you plan to spend time outdoors this winter, only the best hand warmers should make your gear list. With better run time, heat retention, settings, and reusability, reusable heart hand warmers have evolved from simple single-use pocket hand warmers to rechargeable electric warmth machines.

Our extremities are the first part of the body to suffer from cold-related discomfort. Cold hands are actually a symptom of the body working to protect itself. In order to protect the vital organs, blood vessels in the extremities constrict in cold environments, which keeps blood where it's needed most. Unfortunately, this pro-survival mechanism leads to that all-too-familiar feeling of stiff and numb fingertips.

Which Hand Warmer Is Best for Me?

To decide which hand warmer is best for you, what is my intended use?

If you are a climber, sodium acetate hand warmer will be the best choice. These warmers are quick to warm and very compact. Also, they can fit easily into a chalk bag and allow you to warm up your fingers mid-route.

If you're a hunter with cold hands, a longer-lasting reusable hand warmer is likely to be the best choice. Or if you want to keep your hands warm as you watch your kids play outside.All types of warmers have their pros and cons. 

Which Hand Warmer Lasts the Longest?

The 12-Hour Hand Warmer earns the top prize for total runtime. Because this warmer runs on lighter fluid, its runtime is determined by how much fluid is used. In some tests, a unit filled with maximum fluid stayed warmed for upward of 20 hours.

In the disposable category, Hand Warmers reusable are known to stay warm for up to 10 hours — an impressive stat for such a small and affordable hand warmer.


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