What You Want to Know About At-home perms

Permanent hair straightening treatments are a form of chemical processing for your hair. Depending on what method of processing you use, hair that's naturally curly or textured can be altered to lay flat and lose its curl.

These treatments work for several months or more, usually lasting until new hair grows in to replace the hair that was treated. For this reason, these processes are called permanent hair straightening.Self at-home treatments is a popular option.

At-home perms

Chemical relaxant kits can be purchased at pharmacies and beauty supply stores. These treatments claim to offer the same results as a perm from a salon. Unless you have formal cosmetology training, it will be tricky to use these kits effectively. 

All permanent hair straightening methods use the same strategy.

A chemical solution is applied to your hair. These chemicals change the way that the proteins in your hair are configured.

With perms and thermal straightening procedures, a neutralizer is then applied to your hair. This neutralizer causes your hair to lock into its new shape, with new bonds forming between the protein molecules of your hair.

It can take several hours to infuse the hair with the chemical solution, apply the neutralizer, and style your hair. These chemical solutions often carry strong scents, and in many cases you're cautioned against getting your hair wet or even sweating too much in the days following the treatment.

This means that you're walking around inhaling the chemicals used to treat your hair, as well as exposing everyone near you to them.After you finish the Permanent hair straightening treatments, you must remember to wear the heat hair cap do the artborne thermal hair treatment.

Pros of at-home perms

DIY hair-straightening kits you can get at the pharmacy are affordable.

They claim to be simple to use.

They don't require hours spent in a salon chair, and the chemicals are approved for home use, which means they may be less concentrated.


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