Tripsolar - Floating Solar Structure

Tripsolar - Floating Solar tructure

India has reached to more than 5 GW solar installations and has massive target of 100 GW by 2022. To complete this target huge land is required; which cannot be created artificially. In India, water bodies (apart from rivers, canals) occupy about 7 M.Ha area which can be utilised for solar power generation using Floating Structure.

Also various governments are taking initiatives for developing Floating Solar Power Plant on dams/ water reservoir etc.. Government of India is also developing more than 1000 MWp Floating Solar Power Plant across India.

Tripsolar floating solar structure is designed for water photovoltaic power plants, water structure photovoltaic power generation , applied for ponds, lakes, reservoirs,etc. The floating solar mounting system can greatly save land resources and will not have too much impact on the aquatic environment.Floating solar panel support structure has a bright future.

Tripsolar Floating Solar PV Power Plant Structure has more than 100 years life which is 4 times more than life of solar pv modules.

Floating Solar Structure Applications:

Corrosion resistance

UV resistance

Non Permeable

Chemical resistance

Long Efficient 100 years of Service Life

Light in Weight, Flexible and Fatigue Resistant

Leak-proof Monolithic Joints – guarantee for long life

Operation and Maintenance Cost as good as NIL

Lowest Water Hammer/Surge pressure effect among all pipe materials

Rigid, unsinkable and durable

No maintenance cost though its in contact with water

Floating Solar Structure Features & Benefits:

Highly modular

Custom design as per site location and weight requirement

Maintains Dissolved Oxygen in water

Cylindrical shapes most stable structure for floating than any other shape

Easy to transport, assemble and dissemble

Supporting stand in dry condition

Automatically adjust the height with water level

Facility to install inverter on float itself

Easy desalting or cleaning of mud without dismantling the plant

Easy to shift in water body as per requirement

Life is more than 100 year

Mooring system as per site requirement

Manufactured & jointing as per International standards ISO9001:2008,CP, APQP、FMEA、MSA、SPC etc

Tripsolar is the best solar bracket manufacturer which has more than 10 years of experience in solar mounting bracket and floating solar structure, Ask!


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