Four effective Heat Therapy Products

The most common options for heat therapy are available at a drug store, spa, gym, or physical therapy office. Heat therapy products and services vary in cost, usability, and accessibility. We introduce 4 heat products and services.

1. Heated gel packs

Reusable pouches containing a water-based gel or gel beads often serve a dual purpose, as the pouches are often used for both ice therapy and heat therapy.

Just 30 to 60 seconds on a paper towel in the microwave is sufficient to heat the gel pack wholesale, and the heat lasts for up to 30 minutes. Temperature can vary, depending on the power of the microwave and on the duration heated. It is important to keep the custom gel pack wrapped in a clean towel before applying it to the back.

2. Heat wraps

Single-use heat wraps rely on iron oxidation, the reaction between iron powder within the product and oxygen from the air, which forms rust and releases heat.

Wraps tend to stay warm, at a temperature of about 104 degrees Fahrenheit, for about 6 to 8 hours. The cloth-like, thin material allows the wrap to be worn discreetly, under clothing and directly on the back. Long-lasting, consistent, and low-level heat makes the wraps ideal for all-day use, such as while working, driving, running errands, traveling, or sleeping.

3. Chemical heat packs

Chemical heat packs rely on exothermic reactions, or reactions that release heat. Reusable instant heat packs are commercially available in a couple varieties:

A reusable pack containing a salt solution. The solution usually consists of sodium acetate, magnesium sulfate, or calcium chloride. Reusable packs of sodium acetate typically contain a metal clicker, which is pressed or snapped to activate the chemical reaction that produces heat for about 30 to 45 minutes. Before reuse, the pack first needs to be immersed into boiling water and then cooled down to room temperature.

A single-use pack containing sodium thiosulfate solution. Disposable instant hot packs are activated by squeezing the bag until the inner bubble pops, then massaging or shaking the bag to start the chemical reaction. These sodium acetate heat pack stay warm for about 20 to 25 minutes.

The flexible, sealed pouches come in small or large sizes, and can readily be applied on the lower back for fast pain relief. The small packs are easy to store, fitting easily into medium-sized handbags or briefcases, and are readily available as a part of emergency kits for home or for work. The temperature of the non-toxic solution can reach up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is important to avoid direct contact between the heat pack and the skin. A wrap or towel can provide insulation.

4.Hydrocollator Packs

A fabric hydrocollator pack contains a hydrocolloid filling called bentonite clay, which is often used in wound dressings. By absorbing hot water, the filling forms a gel or paste that delivers moist heat to the back.

The reusable hydrocollator packs are heated in hot water or in a hydrocollator heating unit, at 150 to 160 degrees for about 30 minutes. The packs can be kept in place on the back for about 15 to 30 minutes at a time. Because of the high temperature, the pack may require several layers of hand towels or a single thick towel to protect the skin.

While the packs are bulky and take time to prepare, the products are well-suited for use in the bed or while resting at home. Compared to dry heat from electrical blankets, the moist heat from hydrocollator packs reaches deeper muscles and is considered more effective. Physical therapists may use hydrocollator heat packs to ease joint or muscle pain, before a set of exercises.


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