What are the different types of refrigerants gas?

Refrigerants gas play a very important part in air conditioning. Usually, they're found in gaseous or liquid form. The refrigerant can be used to cool a particular space. There are several types of refrigerants that can be used to absorb heat from a particular area and disperse it to other areas where heat is needed.

These refrigerants gas are used in a variety of devices, such as air conditioners and coolers. They generally use the thermodynamic occurrence of stage transition to convert gasoline to liquid and vice versa.

Refrigerant is an element in liquid or gas form. Specific areas in the refrigeration series use refrigerants for cooling. This process takes heat from the space and then releases it into some other area. This is the use of the refrigerant.

The refrigerant process begins with the evaporator of this system. The refrigerant liquid will absorb warmth and eventually become vapor at low pressure. The vapor propagates to the compressor component of the system.

Compressor pressure and temperature increase. The heat released by the steam happens at this phase. The launch of heat occurs in the condenser.

Then, the refrigerant changes back to liquid state. It returns to the evaporator. Repeat the procedure with the identical liquid. There are various kinds of refrigerants.

Modern equipment using refrigerants includes air heaters, heating systems, freezers and refrigerators. Although useful, refrigerants also contribute to global warming.

Different types of refrigerants:

The classification of refrigerants into different groups is due to their chemical composition. The most common refrigerants include Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and Natural Refrigerants.

Synthetic production of freon or halogenated hydrocarbons. The classification also depends on their chemical elements chlorine (Cl), hydrogen (H), carbon (C) and Florin (F).

Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-R11, R12, R113, R114, R115

The two numbers representing all refrigerants are:

Ozone depletion potential (ODP)

The value variety of ODP is 0-1. The ODP closest to 1 is harmful to the ozone layer. The ODP value of CFC is very significant. This is only because they contain chlorine. Today, CFCs are no longer used because of their harmful effects on the environment.

GWP values ​​range from 0 to a few million. If the GWP value is big, the refrigerant is more detrimental and will lead to global warming. HCFCs are eliminated. Today, the only HCFCs allowed are chlorofluorocarbons that don't contain chlorine.

The most common refrigerant types comprise:






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