How to distinguish between on-grid inverter and off-grid inverter?

The most important function of the photovoltaic inverter is to convert the direct current generated by the solar panel into the alternating current used by home appliances. All the power generated by the solar panel must be processed by the inverter before it can be exported. The use of photovoltaic inverters can be divided into: grid-connected inverters and off-grid inverters. So what is the difference between these two inverters?

Off-grid inverter

Fangpusun is a complete system solution manufacturers with modular components for off-grid inverters. Inverter / charger, solar charge controller, and system control board.

On Grid inverter

Grid-connected inverters are generally divided into photovoltaic power grid-connected inverters, wind power grid-connected inverters, power equipment grid-connected inverters, and other power generating equipment grid-connected inverters. The biggest feature of grid-connected inverter is the high power of the system and low cost.

Grid-connected inverters are generally used in systems with large-scale photovoltaic power plants. Many parallel photovoltaic strings are connected to the DC input of the same centralized inverter. Generally, high-power use three-phase IGBT power modules The small use of field effect transistors and the use of DSP conversion controllers to improve the quality of the electrical energy produced make it very close to a sine wave current.

How to distinguish between on-grid inverter and off-grid inverter

First of all, the photovoltaic inverter is also called photovoltaic inverter power regulator. According to the use of the inverter in the distributed photovoltaic power generation system of Jiaotong University, we can divide it into two types: independent (off-grid) and grid-connected. The classification of these types is mainly based on the purpose of the photovoltaic power generation system. It is not necessary to dig into it. You only need to know that Jiaotong University Blue Sky PV Power Generation is divided into these two types according to the different uses of the photovoltaic system.

The second is that it can be divided into square wave inverter, step wave inverter, sine wave inverter and combined three-phase inverter according to the waveform modulation mode of the inverter itself. The waveform of the device itself is divided.

Thirdly, it can be divided into transformer-type inverters and transformerless-type inverters according to the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system used in Jiaotong University. This is mainly a classification of photovoltaic inverters from different requirements of grid-connected systems.


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