more slimming products recalled | adelaide now -g-icon-error cloudy-day nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right

They were recalled after finding that more weight loss products contained undisclosed prescriptions --
For safety reasons, only the drug itself withdrew from the market.
On October, Abbott, a pharmaceutical company, announced that it would stop sibutramine. Previous studies have suggested that sibutramine may increase the risk of heart disease or stroke in overweight people.
Three slimming products
Aspirin Enteric-coated Tablets Moti coffee, Sumabe Acai berry coffee and lean weight-Loss of chocolate
After being found late in October to contain undisclosed amounts of drugs, they were removed from store shelves.
More products have now been identified, food standards in New Zealand, Australia (FSANZ)
It has announced a nationwide recall of thin green coffee and thin coffee (Rose Curve)
Jelly and coffee for weight loss.
These products are sold in Australia through the Internet.
\"Affected products can be sold online and distributed directly to consumers through postal orders,\" a FSANZ spokesperson said . \".
\"It is recommended that customers not consume the product (and)
Any consumer who cares about health should seek medical advice.
Two other products were also recalled.
Quick weight loss coffee and coffee-
At the Asian grocer in Sydney, it is known that the products have been sold.
\"Due to concerns about the safety of the drug, sibutramine has been withdrawn from sales in Australia by the manufacturer,\" a FSANZ spokesperson said . \".
\"A higher incidence of cardiovascular events was found. . .
Among obese and overweight patients using sibutramine, there were more patients who controlled their weight only through exercise and diet than those who used sibutramine.
\"Those who seek more information can go to the website.
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