distinguish your business with elegant business cards

googletag.display("div-ad-articleLeader");You've been in business for several years, and you know you do good work. But how do you convince your customers that you are professional Why not try making the perfect first impression with your own set of elegant business cards Taking the time to design stylish and classy business cards will not only demonstrate to your customers your company's artistic skill but also your commitment to quality, even down to a detail as small as your elegant business cards. Designing attractive business cards doesn't have to be expensive, and every customer that surveys your company from this point forward will trust you more.

Here are some quick tips to infuse elegance into your next batch of business cards and to put your professional attitude down on paper.Why Elegant Business CardsAside from getting to speak with you or your sales representative in person, a business card is your potential customer's first impression of your work. If you have your name and phone number scribbled down on a torn piece of paper, your customer will think your actual work or product is of similar quality.
If you take the time and put a little money into designing an artistic and beautifully simple business card, however, customers will come to expect the same finesse in everything you do. And the bottom line is, of course, that you will build customer trust much quicker. Another benefit that comes with an elegant business card is that your company looks more experienced.
A brand new company in the space is likely to throw together something cheap but flashy to attract customer attention, but their lack of experience will show in their business card design. A modern, sleek business card design shows your customers that you know what really matters in your industry and that you're not going to hassle them with any extra fluff. Your premium card will reflect your expertise and customers will gladly pay a little more to get your top-notch product.
How To Be ElegantThere are a few key attributes to be aware of that are sure to make your business card look elegant. The two primary factors are the colors used in your design and the font that you use to display your name and information. For colors, elegance is easily portrayed through shades of white, black, gray, gold, and silver.
We associate these colors with things that are professional or high quality: black slacks and a white button shirt, or gold and silvery jewelry. You may also have success with colors that contrast and accent well with a black background, like pink, blue, or red. Just like the colors, the font that you choose for your elegant business card conveys a certain impression about your business.
Rigid and rectangular fonts reflect an organized and precise quality metal in your work. Rigid fonts also represent modern and minimalist values. If you're looking for more of a vintage and customized image, experiment with some cursive fonts, but be sure that they're not overly embellished or illegible.
Once you've got the colors and font ironed out, the secondary elements of elegance you should consider are a clever graphic design and a simple, uncluttered amount of text on the card. Spending significant time on a unique design or hiring a professional graphic artist to make one for you will show your customers your commitment to quality and that you have that fresh creative edge that makes you the best choice for their needs. Keeping the text on your card down to strictly necessary information will again reveal your efficiency and your experience in the industry.
Creating the perfect business card with an intriguing design and just a small amount of information will persuade your customer that working with you will be exciting but simple, just like your elegant business cards.Examples To Inspire YouHere are two examples of elegant business cards that utilize the tips described above. The first design is available through the popular printing company Vistaprint:The first thing that catches the eye in this example is the simple design of the business card.
It is mostly a soft and professional gray color, accented by an intricate yet not overly complicated design. The font is also metal simple and professional. You may not want to use all of the text lines pictured here in order to make the image of the card less busy.
The graphic on the left side is interesting and organized but it does not distract the reader from the important information. An elegant business card like this tells your customer that you are professional, creative, and concise, so that you can get them exactly what they need when they need it. This next example comes from Zazzle:This business card is great if you want to put a little more flare in your first impression, without sacrificing a professional and experienced image.
The pink graphic and text are perfectly accented by the black background, making your business name stand out. The curved lines of the graphic and the cursive text reflect your creative skills and are a reminder of your attention to detail. This card is even simpler than the first example, giving your customer a very bold impression of your company.
Additional contact information could certainly be printed on the back of the card. This business card really wants to make a statement about your business, and coupled with a smile and a solid handshake, these business cards are sure to give your customers confidence in you.That's a quick list of things to consider when designing your new elegant business cards.
Try putting together one design to get your started, and then put it to the test. Don't be afraid to go through a few designs before you find the one that gives the best image of you and your business. That kind of dedication to quality even in your business cards is sure to impress your future customers.
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