A single man in Dubai: dating dos and dont's
There are a lot of attractive, single people with money to spend and free time to fill in Dubai. However, Islam is the UAE's official religion: sex outside marriage is illegal, and even public displays of affection can land the amorous in hot water. So how does the expat man approach the ritual of clamps courting without flouting local mores and getting kicked out of the country? Here's a step-by-step guide from a man on the inside. Young, free and single Unless you are working on a construction site, you will meet good-looking women everyday in Dubai. Hospitality is big business here, and where there is hospitality, there is glamour. Everyone is dolled up, from the bar staff to the fun-loving cabin crew who stop over in Dubai for an energetic form of rest and relaxation. Advertising, events, glossy magazines – Dubai's glamour propaganda is peddled by models and media darlings. Even patriarchal professions like oil and gas and banking seem to employ female staf...