ultimate surround sound guide: different formats explained

It was the Summer of 69 years.
We\'re not talking about Brian Adams.
We actually mean the first time we use surround sound at home.
At that time, it was called four sound, and it came to home audio lovers for the first time through scrolls --to-reel tape.
Unfortunately, the four sounds are very short. lived.
The technology provides independent sound from four speakers placed in every corner of the room, which is confusing --
No, due to the format of the electronic company (sound familiar? )
It eventually failed in the consumer market.
One person can be immersed in a three-
However, the dimension field of audio bliss has not been abandoned.
In 1982 Dolby Labs, Dolby Surround technology was introduced
Back up the surround sound signal to the stereo source by means of a process called matrix encoding.
Soon afterwards, Dolby brought us
Logical surround sound, and have done its part to lift the surround sound state of the home to the position where the audience can be placed in the middle using up to eleven speakers, whether it\'s a concert or a space war.
Unfortunately, surround sound is still a confusing technique for many people.
While most people understand the concept of using multiple speakers in theaters --
Like sound, many people don\'t understand the difference between all the different formats. There's 5. 1, 6. 1, 7. 1, 9. 2, Pro-
Logic IIx, Pro Logic IIz, Dolby DSX, etc.
It is important to surround your head.
With this guide to surround sound
Sound format, we want to provide some clear information to distinguish these different surroundsound versions.
For the purposes of the discussion, the \"Matrix\" has nothing to do with the hot film series of Keanu Rives and Lawrence Fishbourne (
Maybe, beyond that, the movie is still a very effective surround sound demo).
In this case, the matrix refers to the encoding of the independent sound signal in the stereo source.
This method is the basis of early surround
Sound formats such as Dolby Surround and Dolby Pro Logic, in part because there is not enough space on early audio to provide independent information
Video media such as VHS tapes.
The most basic surround sound of speakers includes a set of stereo front speakers (left and right)
A set of surround speakers, usually placed on the side, right behind the central listening position.
The next step involves adding a central channel: the speaker placed between the front left and right speakers, mainly responsible for reproducing the conversation in the movie.
So we have five speakers.
We will add more speakers later (
In fact, there are many more
But now we can use the basic five.
The speaker arrangement serves as a springboard into all the different surround formats.
Using the matrix process, Dolby\'s Pro Logic round encode independent signals in the main, left and right channels.
Dolby allows home audio devices to decode two additional sound channels from media such as VHS tapes, which provide audio for central channels and surround speakers.
Due to the limited space of the VHS tape, there are some limitations to the matrix surround signal.
The surround channel in the basic Pro Logic is not stereo and has limited bandwidth.
This means that the same content is played on each speaker and the sound does not involve too much bass or treble information. Dolby number 51 / AC-
Do you remember the desktop laser record?
Although the medium was originally invented in 1978, it was not until 1983 that Pioneer Electronics had a strong interest in the technology, and it had any success in North America.
One of the advantages of laser disk (LD)
It offers more storage than VHS tapes.
Dolby used this fact to create the AC-
It is now called Dolby Digital.
This format improved on Pro
It allows stereo surround speakers to provide higher bandwidth sound.
It also promotes low
Frequency effect Channel, add \". 1" in 5.
1, handled by subwoofer.
All the information in Dolby Digital 5.
1 is discrete-matrix is not required.
With the release of clear and current dangers on LD, the first Dolby Digital surround sound began to be released in the home theater.
Even when the dvd came out in 1997, Dolby numbers were the default surround format.
Up to today, Dolby number 5.
1 is considered by many to be the standard of surround sound and is included in most blue lightray discs.
Picture provided by DolbyDTS: What is the technology market where competitors don\'t have a little competition?
To some extent, Dolby has more or less dominated the surround soundSound landscape.
Then, DTS appeared in 1993.
DTS is another company that provides digital surround sound mixing services for film production, representing the Digital Cinema System.
For the first time in the theater of Jurassic Park, DTS surround sound was heard.
The technology was eventually rolled out to LD and DVD, but was initially only available on very limited discs.
DTS takes advantage of higher bit rates and therefore provides more audio information.
Think about it, it\'s similar to the difference between listening to 256kbps and 320kbps MP3 files.
The difference in quality is obvious, but it is negligible, according to some people. 6.
1: increase the volume: in order to enhance the surround sound by expanding the \"sound stage\", a sixth speaker was added to the original 5 speaker.
1 configuration brings 6. 1.
The sixth speaker will be placed in the center of the back of the room, which will then be called rear surround or rear surround.
Here, a lot of confusion began to appear around the surround sound.
People are used to thinking and talking about surround speakers (incorrectly)
Because it is often seen that they are placed behind the seating area, they are called \"rears \".
However, the recommended speaker placement always requires that the surround speaker be placed next to and behind the listening position.
The purpose of this speaker is to give the audience an impression that something approaches or disappears from behind.
It has achieved even greater success and the people around it are trying to cheat their ears by working together.
Calling the sixth speaker \"rear surround\" or \"rear surround\" speakers, while technically an accurate description, is ultimately confusing.
To make things more confusing, Dolby numbers/THX and DTS offer a different 6. 1versions.
Dolby Digital teamed up with THX to create a version called \"EX\" or \"surround EX.
\"The information of the speaker is the matrix encoded into the left and right surround speaker.
On the other hand, DTS provides two different 6. 1 versions. DTS-
ES Discrete and DTS-
ES matrices are executed according to their names.
Using ES standalone, specific sound information is programmed to a DVD or Blu-ray
Instead of simply inferring information from the surrounding Channel. 7.
1: Spawn of blue light
In the electronics world, rayAs is often the case, just as you decide to bite your teeth and buy a new device, something new comes out and dust your shiny new gear.
This is the case at 7: 00.
1 Audio with HD-launch togetherDVD and Blu-ray discs.
Just when people get used to 6. 1, 7.
1 must appear as a new
There is surround format. Like 6.
There are several different versions of 1,7. 1.
All of this adds a second rear surround speaker.
Those surround effects that used to use only one rear surround speaker can now use two speakers that happen to also use stereo.
The information is discrete, which means that each speaker has his own specific information.
We can thank Blu for its huge storage potential. ray for that.
Dolby offers two different 7.
1 surround version.
Dolby Digital Plus is a \"detrimental\" version that still involves data compression and takes up less space on Blu-rayray disc.
On the other hand, Dolby TrueHD is non-destructive.
Since compression is not involved, Dolby TrueHD is designed to be the same as studio master.
The picture is also provided by DolbyDTS with 2 7.
1 version, different from Dolby\'s version in the same way. DTS-
HD is a 7 with damage compression
1 surround format, while DTS-
The Master HD is non-destructive, meaning the same as the studio master.
What needs attention here is 7. 1-
Channel surround mixing is not always included on Blu-rayray discs.
The film studio must choose the mix 7.
1. Don\'t always do this.
There are other factors.
This is mainly storage space.
If a bunch of extra stuff is placed on the disc, there may be no room for additional surround information.
In many cases, a 5.
1 mixing can be expanded to 7.
1 through the matrix process in a/V receiver.
In this way, even if they don\'t get independent information, those rear surround speakers will be used. 9.
1: If you have been purchasing receivers, you may notice that many products offer one or more different versions of Pro Logic processing.
In the modern Pro Logic series, we now have Pro Logic II, Pro Logic IIx, and Pro Logic IIz.
Let\'s see what each of them has done.
Pro Logic II is most like its early Pro Logic predecessor because it can make 5.
1 surround sound from a stereo source.
The difference is that the Pro Logic II provides stereo surround information.
This processing mode is not viewed
Hd TV channels with stereo mixing.
Pro Logic IIx is one of the 5 processing modes we mentioned.
1 surround combination and expand it to 6. 1 or 7. 1.
Pro Logic IIx is divided into movie, music and game modes.
Pro Logic IIz allows the addition of two \"front height\" speakers placed on and between the main stereo speakers.
This matrix processing form is designed to add more depth and space to the soundtrack by outputting sound from a brand new location in the room.
Since IIz processing can be done with 7.
1 soundtrack, the format generated can be called 9. 1.
Audyssey DSX: Lesson 1-
UpmanshipAudyssey, a company known for its cars
Calibration software found in many A/V receivers today has released the Audyssey DSX, which also allows other speakers outside the core 5. 1 and 7.
1 surround format.
The front width and front height channels are added at the top of 7.
1 system, up to 11 can be achieved.
1 Channel of surround sound.
Taste of AVR: malt flavorO-
Some receiver manufacturers are making their own version of surround sound instead of buying rights and processors for Dolby or Audi West productsSound expands.
As this is an area of development, instead of going deep into the topic, we say that interested people should look at the manufacturer\'s website to find out what the company\'s approach involves. What about 7. 2, 9. 2 or 11. 2?
As we mentioned earlier. 1" in 5. 1, 7.
1 and all others refer to LFE (
Low frequency effect)
Channels in the surround soundtrack handled by subwoofer. Adding ".
2 \"simply put, the receiver has two subwoofer outputs.
The two connections send out the same message, as there is only one subwoofer track for Dolby and DTS.
Because the/V receiver manufacturer wants to easily sell out the subwoofer output, use \". 2" was adopted.
If you are new to home audio or just want to update the terms, make


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